Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm Back...

So it's been a lonnnngggg time since I've last posted. There are many reasons for the hiatus...
1. We took an awesome cruise to the Bahamas. The weather was amazing, the water was warm, the food was good, and we met some really fun people.
2. We went to Chicago to go house hunting for Art. It was good to learn about the area. We did end up finding him a very nice apartment which is bittersweet for me, but exciting at the same time.
3. My computer broke so I haven't really had a means of communication besides using Art's computer. Then when I sent it in they said they fixed it but now it's broken again. So yet again I have no computer *sigh* HP is terrible.
4. Spent a day and a half down at Wright-Patt AFB.I had my AEGD interview and tour of the base and museum. It was an interesting day to say the least. It was very long...and well lets just say we had to make the best of it. At least I got my interview done and got to see the base.
5. Last week I started back at school so it's been kind of crazy busy trying to get back into the swing of things.
And now Art is in Mn for a few days for his brothers high school graduation so now I have some alone time on my hands...hence being back at the whole blogging thing. I already feel lonely's going to be a hard year.