I know I have been terrible at documenting this whole pregnancy thing, but hey that's just me. So my mom has been asking for pictures to see how big I am getting, and because I love her I finally took one. I think the last picture was at 21 or so weeks and now (well tomorrow) I will hit 30! Boy have I been slacking. Holy cow that means only like 10 more weeks to go, where has the time gone? Lets be honest with the holidays around the corner that 10 weeks will be gone before we know it. I love this time of year
1) Thanksgiving, I love to eat!
2) Christmas, I love the lights and music
3) New Years, although I have never been one to look forward to the big new years eve thing, I am sure excited for 2014
4) BABY! well maybe my birthday first but that will remain TBD.
So I guess we should do the obligatory baby update
-Weight: no idea honestly I have not been keeping track what so ever I let the doctor tell me how I am doing. I think we are around 18lbs? gained
-Names: none decided
-Movement: this one is an active one folks, moving all the time. Yes that means doing my job is becoming harder by the week. Lets just say sitting and trying to drill when the little one is jabbing you in the ribs=really uncomfortable. But to me movement means he is healthy so it's all good.
-This weekend I finally broke down and bought some maternity clothes. Let me elaborate, I have been in maternity/sweat pants for a few weeks now, but I have managed with one pair of maternity jeans and just my normal tee shirts. But now I have finally realized that even my regular tee shirts are well not fitting so hot.
I will leave you all with what most of you opened this post for a picture...