So tomorrow will mark the start of week 39, which means baby boy could be here any day. I don't know how I feel. I mean I am anxious, excited, nervous and scared all at once. I can't wait for baby boy to be here, but definitely have moments of sheer terror. I mean I will be responsible for this precious little one, that is scary. I know everyone tells me the minute I see him it will all come naturally, but I can't help and worry.
Lets do a quick stats update
Weight: about 25 lbs gained
Names: TBD
Due Date: Jan 13, 2014
Days left of work (potentially): 5, and yes I am still working full days with a full patient load.
Sleep: uncomfortable
Movement: he is running out of room, but still moving like crazy
Cravings: food in general. I am always hungry...but I get terrible heartburn.
I hate taking photos of myself but here is one from a few weeks ago (35 weeks).