Have you ever noticed that people tend to stress about things that are coming up (a big test, presentation, meeting, etc.) and then after they realize it was no big deal? Sound familiar? I am a huge offender of this. So what I was thinking would be fun is to write on Sundays what is stressing me out about the week to come and then the following week follow up with how everything went as well as write my stresses for the next week. My hopes is that we (myself mostly) will realize that maybe we do stress too much over the little things. Now I know I won't ever stop stressing out about big events but I am hoping that maybe I can learn the little things that I stress over that really don't need to be. Who's in?
This weeks Stresser:
OS (oral surgery) rotation, I head back to OS for a 3 week rotation. For those of you non-dental readers that means a week of pulling teeth and starting IV's. Now the work is not was stresses me out it is the environment. The surgeons tend to be a little more for a lack of a better word uptight sometimes, but don't get me wrong their job is very stressful. They have a higher risk profession by nature so I understand, but for me I just hate working in that type of environment.
That is pretty much my huge stress out this week.
Last week:
Even though I didn't write last week I will quickly summarize what I was stressed about and how it turned out.
Presentations...I had to give 2 lectures to my residency mates this week, one was about 5 min and one was 30 min. I hate public speaking, always have. I have learned to deal with 5 min. presentations from this residency, as we do them all the time, but 30 min? Well it went great! I didn't think I did that well when I was up there, but the feed back from my directors was that I did really well. They thought I was knowledgeable, prepared, and well thought out. Case in point, I spent so much time worrying about this and for what? Nothing.
Thanks for those of you who made it through this entire lengthy post!

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