Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Check your ego please

So just utterly annoyed today. Just sick an tired of certain people. Seems like some of the higher ups here just can't seem to let go of their egos. I mean yes I know they know more then me, and they have more training then me, but does that give them the right to talk down to me? To treat me like a 5 year old? I don't think so. I mean if I really mess something up, disrespect you then yes I deserve it but on a day to day conversation and basis? It just wears you down. And it's not just to me it's to almost everyone (student)...it just gets so tiring to deal with and I'm just so over it. I have just started to not care anymore...but it still just wears me down and every so often I just want to pull out every hair in my head and scream. Ugh. On the brighter side it's a 3 days week for me so tomorrow is my Friday:) Hooray

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