Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lets give this a go

For who knows what reason this urge to blog about my oh so uninteresting life came about, but never the less it has happened. I have come to realize I have been absolutely horrible at staying in touch with so many people in my life. My form of keeping "up to date, and updating people" about life has been through facebook statuses, and photos and wall posts. It has been rather effective, however I feel facebook has become much more a "status" (no pun intended) thing. I mean people updating on there every move, showing off their new relationships, and especially engagement rings (it seems like lately). Although I am guilty of all of this myself I have come to care less and less about letting people know what I am up to, for me the reason I spend so much time of it has been about finding out what everyone else is doing. Recently it just hasn't really been all that exciting for me, yes I waste far too much time on it and still love knowing all the good gossip, but just hasn't felt like enough of a connection for me. After recently reconnecting with my high school best friend I have been wanting to be more "personal" with the people I truly want to stay in contact with. Admittedly this will probably not be the best way but at least this is my attempt to keep everyone updated on my life. I have found it so difficult these days to keep in touch for a variety of reasons
#1 the time difference, being on est and most people on pst makes it hard
#2 I am just lazy and when most of the time I don't feel like spending 20+ min. on the phone with people
#3 I am not a phone person: just have never been one
So I wanted to see if maybe this was a better outlet for me...we'll see how long this lasts like every other project I start...I will probably be really into it for like a whole week then get bored with this too, hahaha. So please follow me :)

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