Friday, March 17, 2017

The [Re]Launch

I wasn't sure whether or not to call this a Launch or Re-Launch of my blog. Way back when I started this blog it was really just a bunch of jumbled posts here and there. After I had baby boy #1 little R I intended for it to be a way for my family to keep up with my life since we lived thousands of miles away...well we all see how that turned out. It's been almost 3 years since I have posted in here.

Why I am re-launching. So the idea came to me a couple weeks ago. I have been way more active on my social media, as a result of me becoming a Beachbody coach (I will save that story for another day). I started posting photos of my food and was overwhelmed by the response people where giving me. I had numerous requests to write a cookbook which seemed crazy. Me write a cookbook? I could never! But then I began to think maybe not so crazy? That's when the blog idea was born. Instead of writing a cookbook which would take months or years to get polished and ready to publish I can share my recipes via a blog. I can share them slowly over time and see how they go over. I can have others test the recipes and give me feedback...for free! Then if things progress then maybe I can consider putting together a cookbook.

So while my intentions for this blog are generally going to be food/recipe related that won't be the only thing that I post about. I also want to share a glimpse into my crazy life! There will be kid posts, fitness posts and probably some other random posts as well because well that's life. I am so excited to share this all with you. I also ask you please be patient at my blog will be under a constant state of remodel for a little while; while I try and get things the way I like them. You may notice changes day to day as I fuss around with layouts and design. Thank you for joining me on this crazy exciting journey.

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