Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Break Continued

Break was very busy last week. I flew back to Ohio on Wed. for an Invisalign course on Thursday. I then drove back to Chicago Thursday night. Friday I worked out in the morning, then we spent Friday evening with one of Art's co-workers and his family. We had an awesome time. Saturday was spent shopping at the mall. Sunday was spent watching football with our other friends here. Now it's back to just cleaning the house, doing laundry, finishing the Christmas shopping, working out, and watching netflix for me. As promised here are some pictures of my Christmas tree project.
 The glitter, glue, ornaments, ribbon and rhinestones I bought at Michaels and Target grand total around 20$.
The tree topper in progress
 The finished tree topper I put together
 Some of the finished ornaments
The finished tree with lights and all.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Free Time

The best decision I made was to take my National Board exam before Thanksgiving. What it means now is that I have a lot, and I mean a lot, of free time on my hands. Art still has to work during the week so I am basically like a stay at home wife, not mom because we don't have kids. I decided that I needed to start some projects because I would go crazy just sitting at home all day long, I mean you can only work out so much. So day one yesterday was a success at what I call "being domestic". I drove to Michael's and spent almost an hour searching for craft supplies. Then I went to Target to finish collecting supplies. My project is to make most of the decorations for our very first Christmas tree. So far I have made the tree topper and started on decorating all the ornaments. I like the way it is going so far...so get excited for pictures to come! I have also cleaned the apartment, and plan to do some more today, and baked some treats for Art to take to his co-workers. Treats made so far include: peanut butter cookies with Hershey's kisses in the middle and dark chocolate pretzel bark. I would say day one was a complete success. Any idea's for good time killers let me know because I have about 3 more weeks to fill:)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It's amazing how different the holidays are when you are grown up verses when you are a kid. I mean Thanksgiving for me when I was young was a time to pig out and eat lots of pie. It also meant time off school which was awesome. Now it still means time off from school, but now being able to just be with family and really being thankful for everything is the best part. I mean you don't realize when your a kid how much you have to be thankful for. Then there is Christmas, as a kid means PRESENTS and hopefully lots of them. Now honestly I couldn't care less about the presents I get. To me it means a time to be with family and just enjoy each other. Now more then ever that is all I want for Christmas. I barely get to see any of my family (including my husband) so just being with everyone and laughing and enjoying each other is amazing.
I just can't wait for Christmas, I get to back to California for the first time in a year! That is the longest I have ever been away from home. I am so excited I just can't stand it anymore I want to be there now.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lake Forest

 So this post is probably oh say 5 months overdue but hey that's just my style hahaha. Anyway here they are a few pictures of Art's "husband pad." That's my made up name for his place because it's his very first apartment on his own even though he is married, haha.
Top photo's are of the bedroom and closet
Middle are of the kitchen, front enterance and dinning area
Bottom photos are of the living room (which now has a new couch and bigger tv) I just can't find the updated photos at the moment

Beautiful Fall

This year has been an amazing year for fall. I must say that moving to the midwest does have a few upsides and the season of fall is one of them. If I am going to have to live through miserable winters then the other seasons must make up for it a little right? Fall the past few years I have felt has been such a short season, seriously has felt like only a matter of weeks long. For some reason this year we have been blessed with a long season, I mean it's November and we have yet to have snow (I know I just jinxed this by saying it but hey it is November). As I was driving to the gym yesterday I couldn't help but just be in absolute aw of the beauty of the fall color shining in the sun (yet another rarity in Ohio...sunshine). So I took a short walk when I got home from the gym to snap a few pictures. I must say I am no photographer and these pictures don't nearly do justice to the beauty of fall but hey at least I got something right?
 From the backyard parking lot of the Delt house

The Front of the Delt House

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Five years ago

It's amazing to think about how much life has changed over the last five years.

Oct. 2006
I was living in a triple in mt sorority house with two of my favorite people, Jana and Heather. I was just applying to dental school. Had started dating yet another frat boy (thank goodness those days are behind us right Heather? Hahaha). I was working in a research lab.

Oct. 2007
Living at home with my parents because I had opted to not take my acceptance to NYU dental school. Had reapplied to dental school, and had received my deferral to Case. At this point (or soon after) I had received my interview to UOP and thought that I would probably be going there for dental school (well we all know how that turned out). I was working front office at a dental office and worked 1 day a week as an assistant at another office. I was single and just enjoying the time away from school.

Oct. 2008
I had just started school at Case, moved outside of CA for the first time in my life. I was living in an awesome duplex with Brit. and Kate. I was still single and just enjoying making new friends. Trying to figure out my life.

Oct. 2009
I had moved into the delt house with Art, had recently gotten engaged. Had gotten my baby boy (my cat sniper) with Art. So busy with school work, studying for NBDE I. Trying to keep myself sane. I just remember being so over whelmed with school at this point. Life was amazing but crazy busy.

Oct. 2010
Was still living in the delt house. Was trying to plan our wedding. Art was busy trying to finish up school with boards and requirements. I was just getting in the routine of working in clinic and seeing real patients and doing "real" dentistry.

Oct. 2011
I have now been married fro almost 1 year. I am STILL living in the same room at the delt house with my baby boy, but Art has since moved out. I have been separated from my husband (by physical space not a relationship separation) for almost 5 months now. I am trying to finish up school...patients, exams, and such. Life has been great, yet with Art working in Chicago it has been tough at times.

Just weird to think that in five years soooo much has changed in my life. I love where I am in life right now...although I really miss my husband. Where were you 5 years ago? Crazy huh?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Is this the "mom" in me?

Ok let me start this by saying no I am not pregnant so don't get the wrong idea from the title, no rumors please. Now that that is straightened out let me explain. Yesterday I had to take my baby (my cat) to the vet to get his vaccinations. We have been trying to prepare everything on the off chance that we get sent to Japan next year. Who knew there were such specific parameters and so much paper work to get your pet over to a foreign country? Although I am super glad I am getting prepared now because if I didn't plan they could quarantine him up to 180 days!! Anyway, back to my original point...watching my cat at the vet just breaks my heart. He had to get two shots in his legs and let me tell you he was not a happy kitty. However, he was so good about it. He was unhappy at the moment but right after he went back to his normal self and was friends to everyone. Got me thinking though...is this what parents feel when watching their kids? Just this ache in your heart wanting to rescue your little baby? I mean you can't explain why you have to do this painful thing and it just hurts me to watch my little baby cry. The only bonus...he is extra cuddly with me :). Just wants to snuggle on the sofa all night and I am more then happy to oblige! I can't imagine how I will be when the day to have kids comes...oh goodness I am going to be that over protective mom I can see it now hahaha.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In Memory

So many of you know my brother and his "crazy" ambitious sport of ultra marathoning. Most of the time I really just think he is a nut case for doing it, but there are some days when I am just so envious that he is able to do it. He is strong, dedicated, ambitious, mentally tough, and just a touch of crazy all at once for doing this. However, this post is not meant to glorify my amazing brother even though he is just that, but it's more about a story about his sport that just really touched me. My brother wrote a story about his recent experience at the Leadville 100 (miler race), and it was just so touching that I have read it twice now and cried both times. I mean the fact that the people he mentions in the end I knew personally so that really hit home for me, but it is still an amazingly touching story. So I dedicate this to those that have lost someone in their life and have found an inspiration from it. Even in the sadness of losing someone there is still a light. Here is a link to the story please read it.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


So it seems like so many people these days are either 1. getting engaged 2. getting married 3. getting pregnant and/or having kids. Seeing all these photos posted on facebook makes me think back to my wedding which was already 8months ago. I can't believe how time flies by! Since I am not ready for the kids stage of my life I can't help but reminisce on my own wedding. Every time I look at the pictures it just fills me with joy.  It was truly such a magical day for me. I would do that day all over again, again, and again. What about everyone else? Does everyone feel this way? I hope everyone does...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Goodbyes are always hard

It's weird because the first month when I visited Art every weekend it wasn't that bad leaving. I don't know why, maybe I was in denial that we were separated for real. After staying for 2 weeks in his apartment it seems like the goodbyes are that much harder. Every time it just seems so miserable to say goodbye. I just can't wait till I get to see him again. Only another 2 weeks *sigh*

Thursday, August 4, 2011


So being from California I had never seen a Firefly growing up...you know the ones where there butts glow on a warm summers night? Yeah well I had only seen them in movies and on tv, I don't know why I guess it's because California doesn't really have them and I never really ventured to the east coast in the summertime. But at last traveling between Chicago and Cleveland this summer I have had a few spottings. Last night we walked by a bush where one was at work and I was just memorized. They are really really neat. They are just so cool. I guess there is an upside to living outside of California and over in this horrendous humidity.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Busy Busy

Life has been so crazy busy lately. Between school (which I spent almost 13 hours in the OR yesterday), cleaning, cooking, working out, school work, husband phone time, and relaxing I can barley breath hahaha. So it's been over a month since Art moved and I must say it hasn't been too hard yet. I think it's because I've been so busy...oh and maybe the fact I have been there all but one weekend. Also I finally have a new functioning laptop!!! Amazing it only took them 2 months, but it's here and so far so good.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not my fault...

Promise not my fault this time. I haven't had a computer for a long time now. Hp has taken a month now and still no working computer. So how am I posting now? My new iPad that my amazing husband bought me! It's really fun. Also life has been so crazy for me, seeing as three weeks ago we moved art to Great Lakes. It has been quite the adjustment for me. It hasn't been hard yet because I have gone there three weekends in a row to see him, but it will be hard seeing as I won't be going for three weeks now. Once I get a real computer I will update with pictures of his pad. His place is awesome and I wish I could just stay there with him forever.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm Back...

So it's been a lonnnngggg time since I've last posted. There are many reasons for the hiatus...
1. We took an awesome cruise to the Bahamas. The weather was amazing, the water was warm, the food was good, and we met some really fun people.
2. We went to Chicago to go house hunting for Art. It was good to learn about the area. We did end up finding him a very nice apartment which is bittersweet for me, but exciting at the same time.
3. My computer broke so I haven't really had a means of communication besides using Art's computer. Then when I sent it in they said they fixed it but now it's broken again. So yet again I have no computer *sigh* HP is terrible.
4. Spent a day and a half down at Wright-Patt AFB.I had my AEGD interview and tour of the base and museum. It was an interesting day to say the least. It was very long...and well lets just say we had to make the best of it. At least I got my interview done and got to see the base.
5. Last week I started back at school so it's been kind of crazy busy trying to get back into the swing of things.
And now Art is in Mn for a few days for his brothers high school graduation so now I have some alone time on my hands...hence being back at the whole blogging thing. I already feel lonely though...it's going to be a hard year.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I love my Mom

Mother's Day...
So this is all dedicated to the most wonderful, caring, and supportive mother a girl could ask for. I honestly don't know if I would be half as successful as I am today without my mom. Here's to you mom thanks for everything...

Feeding me, driving me to sports practice and games/meets (soccer, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, swimming, waterpolo)-sorry I couldn't be a softball player like you wanted, then watching all those sports games and being my number one fan, pushing me in school, helping me get into college then standing by me through all my dental school ups and downs, going on vacations with me, helping me to become a more worldly traveler, making me a more adventurous person, listening to me on the phone when I was away in SB and now in Ohio when I needed some support and when I got really home sick, for bringing me back to reality when I needed it, for boosting me back up when I was down, for always believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself, and sooo much more.

I love you!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I'm back...

I know it's been a long time since I've written, but honestly it's because my life has been so terribly boring there is nothing to write about. We have our last 4 finals this week, and I have been attempting to study...which we all know doesn't really go that well anymore. Also I haven't been feeling a hundred percent. So I'll be back when there is something more interesting to discuss..

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

End of an Era

Well there is just over a week left in the school year and it is such a bitter sweet feeling. On the one hand I will be a senior which means I am that much closer to being a full dentist! But on the other hand that means that Art is graduating and leaving me...not leaving me in emotional sense but the physical sense. I am so excited for him to be out there in the world being a real dentist don't get me wrong, but I am going to miss him more then words can express. So ends an era...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Great start...

I took Monday off to use up my last "personal" day which means you guest it...3 day weekend! And it's off to a great start if I do say so myself. Last night we had an ice cream date to dairy king, this morning got to sleep in a little (and by sleep in I mean 8am instead of 7), then cleaned up our room, spent an other 1.5 cleaning the bathroom and landing, then got to watch some tv and then went to the gym for an hour workout. I just love when I am productive. I must admit though most weekends for us are really lazy...just do the chores and watch tv. We try and do something outside of the house (other then go to the gym), but there really is just a lack of fun things to do here in Cleveland, all the more reason I can't wait to move!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Life has been so crazy busy lately and posting has been the last thing on my mind.  2.5 weeks of clinic left till May break...and I can't wait. Relaxing, traveling (TBD), and just spending time not getting reprimanded by pts. for things that aren't my fault, or by faculty again by things out of my control. More and more I see that the old saying "those who can do and those who can't teach" at this school. Now I am not knocking teachers by any means b/c there are some AMAZING professors and teachers out there but some seriously? Just exhausted...pretty much sums it all up.
Oh and on a very happy note Art passed his WREB exam!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Faux Ice Cream?

You better believe it...I was so skeptical that this would 1) actually work and 2)taste halfway decent. It is really surprising though how good it was. No it is not anything like really good fatty ice cream but it is very comparable to a good frozen yogurt, and lord knows I love my fro-yo.
Just place a frozen banana in a blender and let it rip. Ok so not exactly that easy...but just blend and scrap down the blender and repeat, and eventually you will get a frozen yogurt consistancy. And you can make some nice variations.
Add 1 tbls of unsweetened coco powder for a chocolaty version (and really the banana flavor almost all disappears shockingly)
Add a tsp of vanilla extract and get a slightly vanilla/banana flavor
Add some nuts, or chocolate chips or mm's or whatever other mix ins you would add to frozen yogurt.
I found this on my new favorite website food gawker. Next I want to try adding some berries for a berry flavored version.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cooking Obsessed

Lately I have been obsessed with this website my younger cousin showed me a little while back called foodgawker.com. It is basically a website where people post pictures of things they make and it links to their blog to the photo. I have found some awesome recipe ideas on them and tried some and all have turned out really well. I have also just been experimenting on my own recipes and my latest success were my homemade potsticker/gyoza/dumpling things. We have had them for 3 meals already and Art loves as do I...we both could have eaten all of them the first day.
1 pound ground turkey, fresh ginger (one hunk prob. about 2 tbls), 2 green onions chopped, couple handfuls of coleslaw mix, some salt and pepper. Mix all together and then fill wonton wrappers

But what makes these even more special? Art helped me wrap them all! Nothing better then doing something I love to do with the person I love, makes it that much more enjoyable.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dental Prom

So I am a little behind in posting but what are you going to do? We had our dental school "prom" on Saturday night. I did my own hair and was actually pretty proud of my work, although it did take me an hour and about 30 bobby pins.
so it was a little messier then I had intended it to be, but hey not bad for doing it all on my own I would say.

I was unsuccessful yet again of really taking many pictures of the event, but it was really fun. The food was only so so, but there was an ice cream sundae bar which was good. There was good music and dancing which was also a blast. It was also fun to see the faculty outside of school. So different to see people in a non-school setting, dressed up and in a social atmosphere. Just nice to see that they are people too and like to let loose and have fun. And just the few pictures...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Your in America People

Ok, so I must start by saying that I am not by any means knocking diversity or anything to that sort...but I just get so irked sometimes about people who can't understand English here. I mean yes we are a free country and open to everyone and the mixing pot and opportunities...blah blah blah, but still. Why the rant? Well there are some people (students and faculty)  at our school that just can't either speak or read English well at all. Like I said I am all for diversity and equality, but I mean if you are going to be a health care provider especially at a place like our school (a very Midwestern culture and such) you need to be able to communicate and unfortunately the sad truth is that about 90% of our patients only understand English. Sometimes I seriously question our schools choice in students. Along those lines goes with the idea of have common sense people!! Some students I see in our school just don't seem to have any common sense...they may be the smartest people on paper and books, etc. but when it comes to common sense just nobody is home. Ok, that's finnally off my chest.
On a happier note tomorrow is our formal aka "Dental Prom". Should  be a great time...if only this weather would turn a little warmer for us.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things that makes me Smile

All I need to write today is that here are a few pictures of things that always make me smile...

My family, my husband and my wedding pictures
My silly baby boy, Sniper
Beautiful sunsets in Hawaii

And these are just some of the things that make me smile

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fun to act like a Kid

The WREB's are here, which means that Art has been pretty stressed out these past few days/weeks. Now I don't blame him at all; in fact he is handling it so much better then I think I will next year when it's my time to take it. So last night in an attempt to have a little fun and relax before the stress of the exam begins we went to Dave and Busters. Now this is not the first time we have gone by any means, but it was more the timing of the trip that made this one so special. It was pretty empty b/c it was a school night and we did go on the later side which made it really nice because we could play whatever game we wanted. I had such a great time, I think sometimes we all forget that it is important to just kick back and act like a kid. We all get so caught up in trying to live this perfect life, and our careers and everything, but taking the time to just act silly and play some games and spend time with the people we love is so important. So just act like a kid:)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Check your ego please

So just utterly annoyed today. Just sick an tired of certain people. Seems like some of the higher ups here just can't seem to let go of their egos. I mean yes I know they know more then me, and they have more training then me, but does that give them the right to talk down to me? To treat me like a 5 year old? I don't think so. I mean if I really mess something up, disrespect you then yes I deserve it but on a day to day conversation and basis? It just wears you down. And it's not just to me it's to almost everyone (student)...it just gets so tiring to deal with and I'm just so over it. I have just started to not care anymore...but it still just wears me down and every so often I just want to pull out every hair in my head and scream. Ugh. On the brighter side it's a 3 days week for me so tomorrow is my Friday:) Hooray

Saturday, March 19, 2011


So being on spring break I have a lot of free time on my hands being back here in boring Cleveland. So today I decided to try and make homemade soft pretzels. As many people know I am a terrible baker, whenever I try to do it no matter if I follow a recipe to the T I still manage to mess things up. So for the first time I actually managed to make something that required yeast and rising time and kneading that came out really well:). I even didn't follow the recipe exactly and they turned out I can't believe it!
So here is the recipe I used (mostly so I don't forget for the next time)

2 cups (plus a little more as needed to get the dough right)
1 tsp. of sugar
1/2 tsp of salt, plus more for the top
1 cup warm water
1 package yeast
Mix together the sugar, water and yeast let proof for about 5 min. Mix together the flour and salt. Then mix the wet and dry together to form a sticky ball. Knead the dough adding flour as needed to make it not too sticky. My final dough was still a bit sticky but still formed a nice smooth ball.
Let it rise for 30min. in a bowl (I greased my bowl with cooking spray). After it has risen separate into about 10 portions (depending on how big you want them). Using a little more flour so the dough doesn't stick to your hands. Roll out long ropes with the dough and make a pretzel shape.
In a pot heat 1 cup of water with 1/8 cup of baking soda and heat to dissolve the baking soda and simmering. Dip each pretzel in the water bath for a couple seconds making sure all sides get covered. Remove and place on a cookie sheet. Sprinkle with whatever toppings you like. I sprayed the tops with cooking spray and tested a few toppings. Cinnamon and sugar for one, another was garlic powder/basil/salt, and one was just salt. Bake in an over at 425 F for 8-10 min. My oven doesn't heat evenly so I had to rotate it a few times and let it cook a little longer. They should get a nice golden color on top and crack a little. Take them out and brush a little melted butter on top and enjoy.
We pretty much devoured almost the whole batch they were so good.

So here are two pictures I managed to snap before we dove in.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Back Home

So it's my first full day back home after Vegas...and I'm already slightly depressed. Cleveland just has that effect on me now. Our vacation was just soooo fun. Pretty much little sleep, lots of gambling, shows, food, walking around and spending time with some of my most favorite people. Now it's back to here to try and enjoy what little break we have left before the final push to the end of school year. Only 6 more weeks until I start m final year. I can't believe how time has flown and how much has changed since starting school here 3 years ago. More big changes soon to come. Now it's off to drink my Guinness in celebration of St. Patrick's day and watch some good basketball.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Off to Vegas

Well spring break is finally here and it's off to Vegas tomorrow:). Can't wait to get away from this place for a few days. One thing I've realized is that I truly believe in seasonal depression. Being here in the constant gray just makes me want to scream some days. So weird, but when you walk to school and the sun is out your day is just instantly better. My California amigos just don't realize how lucky they are...sunshine just makes everything so much more bearable. So I am going to try and enjoy this vacation to the utmost and soak in every ounce of sunshine. Viva Las Vegas...hopefully I don't go broke.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2

What do write? All I can really think about is parenting...no not me parenting. I was on my pediatric rotation today and seeing some of the children that come through that department makes me wonder sometimes. How much impact do parents really have on their child's behavior? I mean some of the kids I see just have the worst oral hygiene, cavities, etc. Then I ask the kids about their eating habits and they tell me they eat candy, drink sodas, and the 14 year old I had today said he drank a lot of coffee...seriously? This got me wondering though, I mean b/c I am not a parent so I don't really know how hard it really is to influence good behaviors and such on your kid. I mean it's easy for me to say "brush your teeth, eat healthier, etc." but to be the person to have to nag and push them to actually do it day in and day out I don't know. All I can say is that although they may have been too lenient in some aspects (cough cough my bad eating habits as a kid) over all my parents did a wonderful job I think in raising my brother and I. the point of all this rambling? Being extremely thankful that my parents worked so hard to get me to where I am at today b/c I believe that your parents have such an influence on what their kids become. I am so glad they set the right example and pushed me so hard to be the best person I can be, hopefully one day I will be able to be as good a parent as they were.
P.S. on a more fun note...We leave for Vegas in just over 1 day!!! and...I get to see my parents in about 2.5 days:)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lets give this a go

For who knows what reason this urge to blog about my oh so uninteresting life came about, but never the less it has happened. I have come to realize I have been absolutely horrible at staying in touch with so many people in my life. My form of keeping "up to date, and updating people" about life has been through facebook statuses, and photos and wall posts. It has been rather effective, however I feel facebook has become much more a "status" (no pun intended) thing. I mean people updating on there every move, showing off their new relationships, and especially engagement rings (it seems like lately). Although I am guilty of all of this myself I have come to care less and less about letting people know what I am up to, for me the reason I spend so much time of it has been about finding out what everyone else is doing. Recently it just hasn't really been all that exciting for me, yes I waste far too much time on it and still love knowing all the good gossip, but just hasn't felt like enough of a connection for me. After recently reconnecting with my high school best friend I have been wanting to be more "personal" with the people I truly want to stay in contact with. Admittedly this will probably not be the best way but at least this is my attempt to keep everyone updated on my life. I have found it so difficult these days to keep in touch for a variety of reasons
#1 the time difference, being on est and most people on pst makes it hard
#2 I am just lazy and when most of the time I don't feel like spending 20+ min. on the phone with people
#3 I am not a phone person: just have never been one
So I wanted to see if maybe this was a better outlet for me...we'll see how long this lasts like every other project I start...I will probably be really into it for like a whole week then get bored with this too, hahaha. So please follow me :)